Winston Norman Nowell was born on Oct. 31, 1902 in Dothan, Alabama and passed away on Oct. 17, 1975 in Gardena, California.he was buried in Greensboro, N.C.
Winston and his second wife who's name is also Alice.
"I love my father in law, Winston very much. When Clif and I got married he took us fishing and sometimes he would take us to the local Hookie Tonk to dance, he loved the music. He was a good man and I wish I could have met his brother Jack, who still lived in Ala., but he died before I got to meet him. I called Mr. Nowell pop and he always treated me like a daughter. He had worked for Cone Mills in Greensboro for years as a foreman and was well liked by all of his people.." (Nancy)
Winston's first wife Alice Emily Zisemore (Sizemore)
(child unknown)